Thursday, September 9, 2010

If you can't say something nice......

You've heard that saying from Thumper's mom, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all." Well, that applies to this summer. We've really struggled with Hyrum being home.

Since school starting especially we've had a hard time with the transition from home to school. My sweet neighbors have had the chance to witness Hyrum tantrums and it doesn't make me feel better that he is only 8 and on the radar of the Bountiful Police. (no record just notes on him in case)

He's attending Spectrum Academy the premier charter school for children with autism spectrum disorders. It has been a life saver! If you talk to Hyrum, he doen't think that he belongs there but a visit to the class would tell any observer differently. He's in good company with the sweetest, cutest kids!

We're hanging in there a day at a time.

"Tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it."
-from the T.V. show Annie

Apparently I'm just full of T.V. wisdom today.