Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hyrum's LOA

Instead of realeasing Hyrum to us over the week-end the treatment team decided to do a trial for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday to see how it went. They called it a Leave of Absence (LOA)

We took Hyrum to Liberty park and the Tracy Aviary this afternoon. Things went pretty well until we gave him the 10 minute warning that it was soon time to head back up to UNI. That wasn't the part that upset him though, it was when he discovered that we weren't going to turn right around in an hour and visit him at dinner time like we usually do. Then he started crying and hitting his dad. JJ had to carry him back to the car.

As much as he would like to come home for a visit tomorrow, he said he would rather have us just come and visit at dinner. He is so rigid that any little deviation from what he expects really causes trauma.

It's really good to know how he will behave when thrown a small curve ball. I was still unsure about residential treatment for him. This really showed me that although his anxiety is much better, he will be unable to live a normal life because life doesn't always go exactly the way we plan in our heads.


Justin said...

Hyrum is super lucky to have you guys there for him.
I hope the stress isn't too great on you guys.

Cameron and Amy said...

Hang in there guys. Tell Hyrum April missed him in class Sunday! We all miss him.