Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey! Be nice to yourself!

Friday afternoon I got some results from a blood test showing that I am "early stage diabetic." I was devastated. I know that it means some big changes in the way that I live and I didn't feel ready to cope with it.

The rest of Friday and Saturday I had a headache. It didn't respond to medication or sleep or anything. I knew it was somehow related to the diabetic news. At 5am on Sunday, still suffering from the headache I figured out what it was. I completely blame myself for becoming diabetic.

I should have exercised more, and watched what I ate better. Diabetes is prevalent in my family and I can't recall how many times my mom told me to be careful and not get overweight or I will become diabetic. In her family, diabetes can mean death. How could I completely ignore her warnings and become diabetic at age 35? It's like the beginning of the end.

Not forgiving myself was what was wrong!

It's better now. I realize that the Savior's atonement can apply even to forgiving ourselves. I couldn't do it by myself. We all make mistakes and beating ourselves up about it isn't part of the plan. nice to yourself. There is only one you and you are important to me. (and probably a whole lot of other people too) Wendy


Happy2Bme said...

Wendy, you're important to me too. You are so happy, funny, kind, and outgoing all of the time. You have been a good example to me, and I know to many others.

Clarissa Grover said...

I love this post, Wendy (well, minus the diabetic news). But I love how we all need daily reminders of self-worth and how universally applicable and essential the Savior's love is. Thanks for your sweet thoughts.